Documentary Poster The Milk System shows a blue sky with a fist holding a black and white cow
Documentary Poster The Milk System (Das System Milch), Pichler, 2017

About two weeks I have finally watched the German documentary “Das System Milk”, The Milk System in English. Here are links to the German and English Trailer:

It was published in 2017, yet not many people know it. You can find it on Netflix or if you don´t have a Netflix account and you understand German you can find it here.

I found a short desciption on

“There’s one thing milk stands for – health. It’s seen as natural and nutrient-rich. But is it really that healthy? We set out to take a critical look at the milk system. Along the way we’ll meet farmers, dairy owners, politicians, lobbyists, NGOs, scientists. The film uncovers surprising truths behind the system. Who profits at whose cost? Does the system have a future and are there alternatives?”

Movie description on

Summary: the documentary showcases the links between global dairy industries. How dairy farmers in Europe have difficulties surviving, while big dairy companies like Arla or Friesland Campina prospect a growing demand, in particular outside of Europe. With an uprise in protests through farmers, there is a lack of political support, which is also discussed in this documentary. It is a good movie to understand the links behind the scenes, yet, without a happy end. Welcome to reality I guess.

The movie is only 1.5h long, however, if you are too busy during your lockdown at home, here is a sweet summary, so you know the details without having watched it:

  • Without milk a cow has no right to be alive (believe me – I have seen it)
  • genetic science in the industry will soon be able to ensure that no bulls (male cows) will be born. They´re “useless” for a dairy farmer. More in another blog post “Do we need bulls?”
  • Italy has the biggest genetic trade show worldwide, where the best genetics are being showcased each year (it´s insane)
  • Cows poop means a lot of waste that countries like the Netherlands sell abroad, Cow poop contains …
  • Cows get fed grain to grow faster, yet, they only verarbeiten 1/3 of it. The rest goes to waste as they can´t turn it into energy
  • Milk commercials have always been misleading – see my post about “why people say dairy is scary”
  • There is a growing demand outside of Europe, in particular for milk powder (export to Asia and Africa)
  • China is huge importer of milk but also huge producer of milk, whereas it is not a milk-nation traditionally
  • Dairy companies invest more and more money in the Chinese dairy industry, which has a negative impact on European farmers due to a lack of monetary resources
  • European farmers would not survive without EU funding (In 2016 about 600 farmers in France have taken their life due to financial insecurity)
  • Farming has become an global economical topic

There are so many topics to write about. I hope you can bare with me and wait for new posts while I investigate.

Cow Kiss,


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