Beyond Meat

You must live under a rock if you have not heard of Beyond Meat in 2020. The name is everywhere, the meat is everywhere. The US company has managed partnerships with major restaurant chains like TGIF, Subway or KFC Chicken but also retail giants like Wholefoods. It has made its first steps in the European market by placing its products at IKEA restaurants in the Netherlands and in 2019 it made its move to the stock market with one of the best performances in that year.

There has been criticism about the production place and transportation but also about their ingredients. Firstly, they are building a production site in the Netherlands to increase production in Europe and avoid shipping. Secondly, if traditional meat companies were to show what medicine and antibiotics are put into the cow or any other animal before slaughter, we would have a very different discussion.

What is so great about it? For one look at the picture above - would you think that this patty is made out of beef or plants? Don't worry we have all been there and had to look twice to check if there was no meat. The patties are made out of peas and mung beans (for the proteins), coconut oil for the fat bids like in normal meat, rapseed oil and 18 other ingredients. Believe the hype because it is true! It tastes like a beef patty. They also thought of "blood" as red beet juice. 

Let's cut it to the chase. Below you see four bars named Smell, Texture, Taste and Look. These are the foure characteristics that we use to decide on the qualitiy of the meat and you will find it throughout this section. Beyond Meat Burger Patty has the following grades: 

Beyond Meat Scoring

Scoring for their patty burgers is very high as you can see. We loved the juiciness, and the look of it. Simply felt like eating a burger. Smell and taste were harder to define because how does a burger smell? The taste was almost perfect, however, it needed salt and some ketchup like a normal burger, too. All in all, the most satisfying alternative meat if you crave a good burger. If you have not tried it yet, make sure you do in the near future!

  • Smell 100% 100%
  • Texture 100% 100%
  • Taste 100% 100%
  • Look 80% 80%

All photos taken from Olivia Foods website as linked above.


Thank you Lone for our first guest review on this website! If you would like to talk to her in person and get more insight about vegan foods in Australia, get in touch through our email


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The Cow Whisperer /  Cow Lover / Vegan Lifestyle / Plant Based Food Reviews
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